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                Company profile

                Current location :Home > About Us > Company profile


                Shanghai ThinkWise Industrial Co.,Ltd is one of the leading High-tech enterprises, which adheres to the concept of “Innovation changes life” and creates ThinkWise Brand. Based on ergonomic research, we take “Long-term commitment to ergonomic products development” as a goal and provide more effective solutions for human health. Our Monitor arm, Workstation and Adjustable table products are widely used in the fields of office, education, finance, medical care and industrial automation.

                Since founded in 2007 in Shanghai, we devote ourselves to developing, manufacturing high quality monitor arms with our experienced R&D and skilled workers. Now we have 3000sqm head office& more than 5000sqm factory in Shanghai, and branches all over China. With the strong R&D & professional sales team, we support OEM, ODM,OBM cooperation and bring more efficient and diversified services to customers all around the world.

                To meet the demands of social development, ThinkWise tends to be more diversified, humanized, intelligent for further growth. We will expand the field of intelligent and healthy technology, meanwhile speed up the development of new products. Moreover, ThinkWise always persists to the principle “To build platform for employees, to create values for customers and society”, aims to be the honest and responsible enterprise and bring ThinkWise Brand to millions of homes. To be a real healthy, practical famous brand, and spread our idea to the world.

                Healthy life in need, ThinkWise indeed! ThinkWise will support your healthy future life.