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                Founding enterprise

                Current location :Home > About Us > Founding enterprise

                Roye Luo 
                Founder & CEO 

                Roye Luo is the founder, general manager & CEO of ThinkWise. 

                Shanghai ThinkWise Industrial Co.,Ltd was found on March 15th, 2007, the World Consumer Rights Day. There is special meaning to choose this day as the establishment date, which conveys ThinkWise's promise to the customers.In good faith-based sales philosophy, ThinkWise try best to protect customers' economic interests,health and safety. In the early time,ThinkWise mainly engaged in the exploration and development of ergonomic LCD arms.Only after one year,ThinkWise develop to a mature company with best knowing of producing LCD arms.  

                In March of 2008, ThinkWise began to explore the overseas market and started OEM.During this period, ThinkWise mainly engaged in producing OEM LCD arms. In 2009,U.S. Financial crisis lead to global economical crisis. In this urgent crisis,companies began to think about transition.In May of 2009, ThinkWise achieve a perfect transition from OEM to ODM. ThinkWise aware of the importance to establish own brand with the development of OEM. However, to develop the domestic market is the first thing to do for ThinkWise. 

                In August of 2009, ThinkWise established branches in 10 or more cities in China and open the domestic market, which means another successful transition for ThinkWise.In July of 2010, Think Wise established own brand 'ThinkWise' on the base of perfect industry supply chain. Hence ThinkWise is on the way of brand. 

                Under Roye Luo's leadership, ThinkWise achieve great progress in the LCD arm area. As the industry standards are not perfect, ThinkWise actively committed to the construction of the industry standards in LCD arm area depending on reasonable design, safety, reliability, ergonomics and so on. 

                As electricity era approaches, ThinkWise has already prepared to open the e-commerce door. In the future,ThinkWise can overcome all difficulties and open a new chapter with Roye's firm beliefs. 

                As an innovative entrepreneur, Roye holds the idea'humanist, dare to innovate'and so he focus on ergonomics.He believes that ergonomics, on the base of advanced technology, help people to spend a better life.  

                As an advocate of green and healthy life, Roye aims at bringing healthy to everyone.Although it is difficult to realize, he is full of confidence.

                As a leader of producing LCD arm, Roye engages in protecting people from cervical disease. This is what he said, and is also to do so.